You investigate the red. You recognise it as your own magic- left behind when your body was eaten away by us. Are you curious why it has been left intact?

It is not something we are capable of eating, as it is partly one of us. But only partly. It is what occurs when an entity of light merges its magic with the dark, we believe. The process of which is not possible to be forced, it is granted by forces beyond us. By forces that made us.

You are a creature of twilight, then. Your kind does not visit us, they only visit the light for they value their physical bodies. It is strange, why you have come here. We do not believe it is mere curiosity, as you entered the dark and did not stop- even when you were losing any opportunity to recover your body. You came here with a goal. We are interested in what it may be.

What will you do with the red?