Void Scrappers was a lovely game that I entirely forgot what it was about when I opened it up on stream. It was on my "to play on stream" list and the wheel that I spun willed me to play it, so I did! It's not great for streaming as there isn't much to commentate about and the amount of focus it takes from you makes it hard to interact with your viewers while playing, but for a non-stream game it was actually incredibly enjoyable. The gameplay is lively, doesn't feel too repetitive, and the upgrade system is enjoyable. I would appreciate maybe like, 1-2 lines of text for a tutorial though, as you are started off in the deep end, but ultimately you get the hang of it quite quickly. The game feels like if you had a joystick to play it with, that it'd be even better and way more fun- quite literally does feel like it belongs in an arcade. Highly recommend it!