Qube Qross is a game that attempts to appeal to nonogram/picross lovers but absolutely fails to do so. I really loved Picross 3D on the DS and was hoping for something similar, but as a steam reviewer described this is less picross and more "paint by numbers". You can guess the shape from the get go because it fails to actually play by nonogram rules- because this isnt a nonogram game. The levels are laughably easy- most of your playtime is spent between menu transitions and watching the animations happen.

When I say it fails to play by nonogram rules, I mean the typical way that nonograms display the block order. Where if you have lets say, a 5x5 grid, and the numbers state 1 1 1, you know that there will be three colored cubes in there that will all be separate from eachother. Likewise, if the numbers state 3, then you know to expect a connected row of 3 colored cubes. In Qube Qross, this is not the case. You are given the total number with no indication of if there are spaces between, which both makes the puzzle aspect of it confusing but also annoying.

The controls are also listed nowhere, making this generally inconvenient and confusing to play. Just a shame really, still waiting on a good PC picross game to this day. Hopefully the cheese-themed picross game thats currently in development would be good- from the looks of it it really seems like the only one that understands whats fun about picross!