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Profiles for currently known Iterators.


TFS is an early generation Iterator placed atop a cliffside that contained a heavy aquifer. He was a rather ill-tempered iterator in his pre-mass-ascension days, though did hold a fondness for the ancients in his metropolis. He appreciated their existence but was also very ready to accept a day where said ancients would be gone. He held a mindset of "things come and go and we move on."

With that mindset he generally did not particularly care for keeping memories of the past and maintaining the quality of data pearls. If a pearl faded, then it was its time to be forgotten. This mindset clashed with and terrified the youngest iterator of the three, Watches The Sun, who proceeded to hoard and maintain a carefully maintained pearl archive.

The only memory he maintains of the ceiling collapse is a strong impact that shook the entire structure. He deemed it miraculous that the legs did not collapse in on themselves, but he credits this to being an early generation iterator built with as much bulk as possible. While more often than not this bulk was bothersome, in the case of structural stability it was very helpful.

Post-Revival, he holds a very unsure disposition towards his life. He was ready to accept "death", yet the strange rodents that scurry around the facility grounds decided to help him. He never considered them of any notable level of intelligence, but the amount of work and coordination that reviving him specifically required was simply not possible to ignore. Let alone the fact that one of them had learned how to inscribe pearls, just to communicate to him and read the pearls strewn about the facility.

He has not yet established contact with the other two iterators, unsure on if he event wants to do so.